St. Andrew’s

S. Andrew’s (located on the corner of St. Andrews Road and Queen Street) offers a full programme of worship throughout the year.  There is a Low Mass on Wednesday at 10am.

Our 10.30am Parish Mass on Sunday is a blend of traditional and modern with altar servers, incense, hymns and a sermon and appeals to individuals and families alike and lasts about 75 minutes – longer if there is a Baptism which often occurs on the first Sunday of the month.  You may like to take a look at a video of St. Andrews. Congregations vary and some have been coming for many years; others are exploring faith.  All are made welcome.  Music is a mixture of traditional and modern and the celebration is symbolically rich.  Most who come realise they are on a journey of discovery and exploration aided by the Liturgy.



For further information, please contact the Rector.

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