The Church of St. Andrew, Romford and the Church of St. Agnes, Romford, part of the Church of England (Diocese of Chelmsford) and the worldwide Anglican Communion of Churches, welcome you! If you are looking for a place to worship – read on! We seek to offer a real depth of spirituality based in prayer, reflection on the Scriptures and the tradition of the church.
Our worship reflects the Catholic tradition of the Church of England and mirrors the world in which we live. Our congregations reflect the diverse nature of the area. Young and old, single, married and partnered; gay and straight; people of various ethnicities and backgrounds – all find a home with us. If you’re looking for a church in Romford and a place to worship, you will find a warm welcome with us.
Our two churches serve the western and north-western area of Romford and welcome many people from a wide variety of backgrounds as well as visitors who come to explore what we have to offer.
In the following pages you will find details about what’s on: times of Mass, Sermons, information about Prayer and Spirituality, Spiritual Direction and Confession. There are also pages concerning Baptism (Christening), and Weddings celebrations, our work with children and young people as well as information about hiring our Halls and much more. We hope you will find the following pages helpful. Do begin to explore!
News Update!
St Andrews is a member of Inclusive Church – click on the link below to learn more
The rectory address and phone number have changed! Please check the contact page for updated information.
Our new priest has been appointed and she is Reverend Beth Joss-Pothen.
An Introduction
Hi everyone!
My name is Beth Joss-Pothen and I’m very excited to be joining you as the new Vicar of St Andrews’ Romford. I can’t wait to get to know you all and see where God is at work in your lives and in the life of this community. So, a little about me! I am the third of five children, my mum is a primary school teacher and my dad was a Church of England priest. We lived in various parts of London before moving to Chelmsford in 2007. Before training for ordination, I went to university in London and read English, and then had a series of jobs in waitressing, bartending, retail, charity work and a brief stint in Iona working in the Abbey Kitchen. I trained at Westcott House in Cambridge, where I met my fab husband Nathan, and we married in 2017. He is about to start life as the Vicar of St George’s Harold Hill, and we are hoping to adopt some vicarage greyhounds once we arrive in the summer. We are joining you from our respective curacies in Harlow, where we have both been hugely blessed to have been part of such loving and active communities. I’m massively interested in the arts, and I am one year into a part time Masters at Kings’ College London in Christianity and the Arts which has been hugely enriching. I also love crafts and cooking and anything creative so expect many messy activities!
All the best,
Revd Beth has arrived!
On Tuesday 21st June 2022, Revd Beth was welcomed to take her position as our priest at her induction service. Bishop Lynne, Archdeacon Chris, Area Dean Ken, along with clergy and churchwardens were in attendance.
New Activities for children and families!
Yes, there are new activities at St Andrews and St Agnes. Take a look on our For Families page for the details.
Holy Week and Easter Services
- Full list of services during Holy week and Easter can be found here
Worship this Week
- Wednesday, 10:00am – Morning Prayer and Eucharist
- Sunday, 10:30am – Parish Mass
Knit and Natter
- Tuesday 1:30 – 3:30 in St Andrews. £1 for tea and coffee (not Christmas week)
Lent Course
- A time for reading some Bible stories together, and doing some easy Kintsugi activities. See flyers for dates and times
Mothering Sunday Kids Bank Collection
- We will be collecting a variety of items for the Havering Kids Bank to mark Mothering Sunday on the 30th March. Please see the flyers for information on what we are collecting.
Soul Soup Community Café
- A bite to eat, a hot drink and friends at our community café, each Wednesday from 11:30-1:15pm. Just pay what you can afford. If you wish to donate items of food or drink for this or to volunteer to help please see list at the back of church. or speak to Thomas. We welcome everyone.
Arts and Crafts
- Coming back soon…
Little Fishes
- Thursdays 10:30–12pm a free playgroup in St Agnes’ Hall, for parents / guardians and children under 5 (closed 26th December & 2nd January)
Making Donations to St.Andrew’s with St.Agnes
- The church still needs donations to keep going even in these times. You can make a donation through this website (which is linked to our contactless payment system) and it only take a few clicks Give A Little
- You can also post cheques if you prefer to the St George’s Vicarage, Chippenham Road, RM3 8HX made payable to St. Andrew’s PCC
News and events –
- The rectory address and phone number have changed! Please check the contact page for updated information
- We can now accept contactless donations as we have a mobile ‘chip and PIN’ reader – plus we can claim Gift Aid on a donations of £30 or less through this donation method!
- Our email address has changed to
Safeguarding Information
- We are committed to Safeguarding children and young people and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website or on the Safeguarding pages of the Chelmsford Diocese
- Our Parish Safeguarding Officer may be contacted at church or by email
Church Address
St. Andrew’s Church, St. Andrews Road, Romford, Essex RM7 9AT
This address has no facilities to receive mail or deliveries without prior arrangement
All postal communication should be sent to the rectory address –
St. George’s Vicarage, Chippenham Road, Romford, Essex RM3 8HX
Charity Number: 249505 (part of The Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance)